Here are some side projects that I’ve created over the years.

  • Project Manatee
    • Senior capstone project at the University of Utah.
    • Created by myself, Tyler Bettilyon, Stephen DeBies and Nicki Ortman.
    • Visual programming tool for the Arduino, styled after Scratch.
    • Won first place in the capstone project competition.
  • SQL Injector
    • A simple and easy-to-use database console based on web technologies.
    • I built this while working at Amirsys and Elsevier to fill a need. We didn’t have good, simple, or free database tooling.
    • Node.js and Express backend. HTML, CSS, and Vanilla JavaScript frontend.
    • Abandoned, but soon may be replaced by SQL Injector 2
  • Project Banana
    • Toy project. A Backbone.js clone in 128 lines… sort of.
  • Code Golf Challenges (holes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    • I created these while working at SolarCity for some friendly competition and team-building.
    • I ran semi-weekly competitions with other developers in my team.
    • Unfortunately interest waned, so I didn’t do a full 18 holes. Perhaps one day I’ll fill out the rest.
  • Normal
    • A micro-ORM for C#
    • Created for fun after looking at the Dapper source code and not being thrilled.
    • Formerly called Toadstool, which also has a Java port.
  • frunk
    • Toy project playing with fine-grained reactivity (before I knew what that was 😊).
  • pg_mq
    • A simple asynchronous message queue for PostgreSQL
    • Built for fun after being inspired by a different project while working at Tesla.
  • Slow.Utilities.Http
    • Created while working for the State of Utah
    • Lots of quality of life improvements to make working with raw HTTP Client easier, as you do when following the HttpClientFactory pattern.